Data Science for website 1

7 out of 10 people use their phone to make a purchase, which is why it's important to optimise your site for mobile. Here are our recommendations.

How to make your website mobile responsive



2 min

If there are 3 main media (tablet, computer and phone), today in SEO, the main point is mobile compatibility. Indeed, for several years it is one of the criteria of the Google algorithm and one of the most used means to navigate on the web.

What is Mobile-Friendly? In a few words, the fact that Google favors mobile-friendly sites in its natural referencing (on mobile).

What are Google's motivations? The ambition to offer a better user experience to Internet users by allowing them to access a website compatible with the medium they use.

In order to check if your website is compatible on mobile we advise you to test it here: webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/

The importance of mobile devices for the French.

In the evolution of travelers' purchasing behavior, the use of the cell phone in the purchasing process is becoming more and more frequent. Indeed, whether for a private or professional trip, the majority of travelers use their phone: to order a cab, to book a hotel, to search for a restaurant, to use a geolocated application...

The phenomenon of Bleisure (Business + Leisure) has enabled us to validate this observation: more and more business travelers are combining tourism and business travel. They will tend to have similar behaviors at work and in their personal lives... And hotel booking is a big part of it!

All these results are further proof that a hotel's website must be adapted to mobile.

It is essential not to lose visitors because of a site that is too slow (photo weight not adapted), a site on which the buttons do not work or are too small, or a site where the text goes off the screen.


An RWD website is a website built (design and development) so that the content and navigation is the same on all media.

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